paST pERfecT

S + had + v3 + O

The past perfect is used to indicate:

1. An action that happened before another action in the past.

There usually are two actions in the sentence.

· John had gone to the store before he went home.

1st action 2nd action

· John told us yesterday that he had visited England in 1970.

2nd action 1st action

S + had + v3 + before + v + v2

· John went home after he had gone to the store.

S + v2 + after + S + had + v3

· Before John went home, he had gone to the store.

Before + S + v2 + S + had + v3

· After John had gone to the store, he went home.

After + S + had + v3 + S + v2

2. State which continue for a time in the past, but stopped before now.

Abdu had lived in New York for ten years before he moved to California.

· Past perfect progressive (continuous) : for category 2 of past perfect only, we can use the past perfect continuous.

S + had + been + ving + ….

Abdu had been living in New York for ten years before he moved to California.


1. The policemen read the suspect his right after he had arrested (arrest) him.

2. After John had washed (wash) his clothes, he began to study.

3. George had waited (wait) for one hour before the bus came.

4. Maria entered (enter) the university after he had graduated from the community college.

5. Jeanette washed (wash) the pipettes after she had completed the experiment.

6. Jane sent a letter to her university after she had received (receive) her scholarship check.

7. After the stewardesses had served lunch to the passengers, they set (sit) down.

8. The car had flipped (flip) ten times before it landed on its loof.

9. We corrected our papers after we had taked (take) the quiz.

10. John had lived (live) in Miami for one year when his parents came to visit.

pResENt peRfeCT aND SimpLE pAsT

subject + {has, have} + been + { verb + ing }.....
contoh present perfect :
Jorge has already walked to school. (tidak diketahui waktunya)
He has been to California three times. (lebih dari satu kali)
Mary has seen this movie before. (tidak diketahui waktunya)
They have been at home all day. (tidak selesai kalimatnya)
  1. John wrote (write) his report last night.
  2. Bob has seen (see) this movie before.
  3. Jorge has read (read) the newspaper already.
  4. Mr. Johnson has work (work) in the same place for thirty five years, and he is not planning to retire yet.
  5. We haven't begin (begin/negative) to study for the test yet.
  6. George went (go) to the store at ten o'clock this morning.
  7. Joan has traveled (travel) around the world.
  8. Betty wrote (write) a letter last night.
  9. Guillermo called (call) his employer yesterday.
  10. We haven't seen (see/negative) this movie yet.
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